

Thursday, November 8, 2007


OK, I know it has been a long time since I last posted, and that I totally missed the 5th of November (I had a rather lengthy post on revolution planned). But I hope you will all let me make it up to you.

Today, I'd like to talk to you about a very cool new web site that I had introduced to me by a friend. It's called Yuwie, and it is a social networking site just like Facebook or Myspace. But Yuwie is different. Beyond simply providing you with a service that you can use and enjoy, Yuwie pays you. That's right, Yuwie pays you real money. All you have to do is join, and get your friends to join, and you will get money.

Yuwie operates off of the principle that the people that use the site also serve the same purpose as advertisers. Think of it this way: we advertise facebook and xanga all the time when we tell friends who don't have facebook and xanga about them. However, currently, we don't get paid for advertising these sites. The point is: social networking sites reel in millions mainly because of word-of-mouth advertising between friends that want to stay in touch online. However, with facebook (or xanga or myspace), you don't get paid for your advertising.

Yuwie, however, wants to give its advertisers (users) a little back. They think this way: the users upload all the content...they keep the site running and fresh. They view the ads that pay the owners of the site. They create the traffic. In other words, the users do all of the work, so they deserve some money. And this is a real deal.

The returns don't seem to be that high (the $10K figure on the site is completely overblown, IMO.) In reality, the earnings look a lot more like a little extra side money, but get money for networking with friends online. Even if it's only a few bucks a month, it's more than what you'll get for facebook, xanga, or myspace combined. If you put a little time in it, from what I've read so far, you could eventually reel in possibly $20-30 a month.

Also, not only is it not a scam, but spam is highly regulated. It also operates kinda' like facebook...people can't contact you without your permission, so your privacy is secured (just like with facebook or like you can do with xanga). According to my research (and this comes from blogs) adult content is heavily restricted. :)

Last thing, ads are not too bad. I've seen two so far that are borderline, but they're animated. Also, if anyone has a facebook, the ads there are probably getting worse than most of the ads I've seen on yuwie. The main problem with yuwie's ads is that they are big and flashy.

If you are interested and would like to join just click on this handy little link and get started.


DebaterPrime said...

Nothing like a little shameless capitalism.

Anonymous said...

If you already have a zanga or myspace or whatever why get a yuwie? I guess you already explained that. Dont' expect a lot of money from that site. Sounds too good to be true.

White Book said...

Different Jason Here, but same message. Yuwie actually is pretty cool. I can understand your hesitation to get involved with yuwie if you are already involved with other sites. And I know it sounds like a scam. However, it's not. Check out to see the results of a two month experiment run by a guy who signed up with yuwie. He's already got paid twice (not for major money, but more than you'll get on myspace, xanga, and facebook put together.) At the very least, it's cool to know that you have nothing to lose by signing up. :-)

Anonymous said...

What? You're not Jason Kosloski? You're a friend of Jason's. I don' want/need a yewie, and most of those things are scams, but let's not argue about this, we can agree to disagree.

White Book said...

Lol...yeah, I'm not Jason Kosloski. He did post this information, but i just came on to comment about it. It just so happens we have the same first name.

Of course we can agree to disagree, but I wanted to make sure you knew you had all the facts before making a decision. You keep saying it's probably a scam, but I just want you to remember...there is absolutely no fee up front and you can delete your account whenever you want to. There's nothing to lose. Even if it is a scam (which it's not...too many people have actually been paid by yuwie) but even if it was, you would make $0 which is what you make on facebook/xanga/myspace now, and you could simply delete your account and you lose nothing. You probably won't sign up after reading this, but that's ok. I just want you to remember that there is nothing to lose by signing up on yuwie.

Anonymous said...

okay, maybe it isn't a scam, but I'm happy with my sites. wich, btw are not myspace/xanga/etc

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