

Monday, September 24, 2007


Warning: Rant Post Ahead

Good evening my friends, I want to tell you about something that has been driving me crazy lately. It’s called spam, and no, it’s not the nasty stuff that is talked about in the Monty Python sketch of the same name, it’s the nasty stuff that you get in your e-mail inbox. I don’t know about everyone else, but I don’t buy random stuff just because I get it randomly in my inbox. And why, why do these companies incessantly think I am a 75 year old man with problems…. Why else would they constantly be trying to sell Viagra to me?

But getting back to the topic on hand. Seriously, why do these people do it? It’s about on the level as tele-marketers. Everyone gets annoyed, and not many people respond….


Matt said...

Yeah I know. It's annoying.

DebaterPrime said...

I guess some marketing is better than no marketing. They want you to remember their brandname; like most advertisements they don't mean for you to buy it right away, they just want to place the brandname in your head so that if you ever have need of their product you will remember the brandname and hopefully choose it.
Plus most people aren't as computer savvy as you are. They don't know not to click on the adds (especially in email, one of the best ways to infect your computer).

DebaterPrime said...

btw, I found this article about spam and why it's so common.

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