

Sunday, November 25, 2007

New Blog

Well, I finally bit the bullet and bought myself a domain for my blog. So I have moved all the content of this blog over to the new one. I will still be checking this site for comments from time to time, but I won't be posting any new content here. You can find the new blog here. Hope to see you all there.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The big anouncement

Well, it isn't that big at all..... But I am supporting Ron Paul for president. There are many reasons for this, but here are a few.

1)Ron Paul supports the constitution
2)Ron Paul wants to cut unnecessary government organizations
3)Ron Paul is awesome
4)Ron Paul wants us out of Iraq
5)Ron Paul is an isolationist in all the right ways

Basically Ron Paul's views line up perfectly with mine.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

If only all politicians were like this

I saw this video during my regular research and it struck me. Once our political leaders were like this, they would speak out openly about their faith in the public square. But today people are so scared of public sentiment. They are so scared of being sued. If only more people were like this perhaps our country could be saved.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

American Purpose

Several hundred years ago a small ship sailed into a small bay in an unexplored part of what would one day become known as America. This ship of course was the Mayflower. Contained on this ship were just over one hundred refugees from England who were fleeing religious persecution. Their goal was simple: create a place for us to live. But they went on to do much more than that. They ended up being one of the most influential members of the early American movement, and influenced many who were yet to come.

The leader of this expedition, William Bradford had a grander purpose than to just live. He wanted his small colony to “be a shining city upon a hill for all to see.” These words categorized America for much of her long existence. And it is these few words that sum up Americas purpose.

Over the course of American history these words have guided the leaders of the country. Even the founding of the country was done, in part, to show the world that America can guide the world to overthrowing tyrannical overlords and become independent. And it accomplished its mission. The French Revolution quickly followed the American, and was influenced by it. Over the rest of the 19th century America stood as a shining city as it stretched to the Pacific Ocean. Into the 20th century America was pulled into both World Wars to continue this tradition.

However, this is where America lost track of its goal. It no longer was a city on a hill, but a watchman with a lamp trying to guide the rest of the world. America had gone from being a place welcoming all and serving to inspire to the policeman of the world shining his flashlight into sovereign countries. Perhaps I will discuss this change in foreign policy later, but for now it serves to say that America became entangled with the affairs of the world, and less concerned with being a city set upon a hill.

It also serves to note that it was the 1920’s that brought about the first immigration controls. I will not go into immigration at this time, but as Ronald Reagan said in his farewell speech to congress the shining city on a hill was “a tall, proud city, built on rocks stronger than ocean, windswept, God-blest, with free ports teeming with commerce and creativity; and if there had to be city walls, those walls had doors, and those doors were open to all…” America had drifted from being a city on a hill, to being a place where only a certain number of people could come.

America has taken up far to many “nation building” excursions. The current war in the Middle East is one example. Instead of simply being a shining lighthouse in a troubled sea to lead others we have become a nation that uses force to coerce our special breed of government. This is by no means what America was founded on.

As you can see, America has drifted from the noble dreams it was founded upon and has changed into something very different entirely. In the upcoming posts I will be exploring each of the following issues and offering my perspective on them: Immigration, Foreign Policy, and Democracy.

Make Money Online

OK, so during my daily surfings of the web I have come across a pretty neat little article. OK, so I didn't just run across it, my friend actually wrote it. But it is still pretty cool. Anyway, it is a fairly in depth guide to making money online. Now I know what you're saying. Jason, your friend is paying you to say all this. No, at least not yet (Shaun you have my email address and paypal info ;))

What this article does is take you through the steps you need to do to get a popular blog that can bring in a decent amount of cash. My friend (Shaun Connell of and fame, and the writer of the article) has applied the principles and last time I talked to him he was typing away on a new laptop that he purchased with nothing but the revenues of his blogs.

There isn't a lot more I can say about it, so I would just suggest you go check it out. Here is the link: Make Money Online

Thursday, November 8, 2007


OK, I know it has been a long time since I last posted, and that I totally missed the 5th of November (I had a rather lengthy post on revolution planned). But I hope you will all let me make it up to you.

Today, I'd like to talk to you about a very cool new web site that I had introduced to me by a friend. It's called Yuwie, and it is a social networking site just like Facebook or Myspace. But Yuwie is different. Beyond simply providing you with a service that you can use and enjoy, Yuwie pays you. That's right, Yuwie pays you real money. All you have to do is join, and get your friends to join, and you will get money.

Yuwie operates off of the principle that the people that use the site also serve the same purpose as advertisers. Think of it this way: we advertise facebook and xanga all the time when we tell friends who don't have facebook and xanga about them. However, currently, we don't get paid for advertising these sites. The point is: social networking sites reel in millions mainly because of word-of-mouth advertising between friends that want to stay in touch online. However, with facebook (or xanga or myspace), you don't get paid for your advertising.

Yuwie, however, wants to give its advertisers (users) a little back. They think this way: the users upload all the content...they keep the site running and fresh. They view the ads that pay the owners of the site. They create the traffic. In other words, the users do all of the work, so they deserve some money. And this is a real deal.

The returns don't seem to be that high (the $10K figure on the site is completely overblown, IMO.) In reality, the earnings look a lot more like a little extra side money, but get money for networking with friends online. Even if it's only a few bucks a month, it's more than what you'll get for facebook, xanga, or myspace combined. If you put a little time in it, from what I've read so far, you could eventually reel in possibly $20-30 a month.

Also, not only is it not a scam, but spam is highly regulated. It also operates kinda' like facebook...people can't contact you without your permission, so your privacy is secured (just like with facebook or like you can do with xanga). According to my research (and this comes from blogs) adult content is heavily restricted. :)

Last thing, ads are not too bad. I've seen two so far that are borderline, but they're animated. Also, if anyone has a facebook, the ads there are probably getting worse than most of the ads I've seen on yuwie. The main problem with yuwie's ads is that they are big and flashy.

If you are interested and would like to join just click on this handy little link and get started.
Politics blogs